Evangelist Terry Woodside
strengthening pastors & churches
"Not for that we have dominion over your faith, but are helpers of your joy: for by faith ye stand." 2 Cor.1:24
"Not for that we have dominion over your faith, but are helpers of your joy: for by faith ye stand." 2 Cor.1:24
It was good to see all of our friends and meet new ones at Heritage Baptist Church. What a blessing to preach for them again. Lowes, my home away from home. With all the remodeling I have been doing for the first 4 weeks the only places I went were home, church and Lowes. All the managers know me by name. So with all the time I was spending there it was the obvious place to witness of all God has done for us. Let me tell you, God is in the plumbing section too. I was invited to teach a BIBLE study at a home for men. Again such liberty I had to share the Gospel with so many. I was invited back and this might be an open door for awhile.
The heart of this CRP is to reach the lost with the Truth of the Gospel. The Ministry of this CRP is to strengthen Preachers and Churches. As I spoke this morning to a dear preacher friend I learned of more Churches without pastors, struggling to stay open and more Preachers leaving the ministry. JESUS died for the Church and it is that important. In these last moments that we live in, the True local Church is needed more than ever. A Church where the Spirit and Power of God is REAL and PRESENT. As GOD has asked me to return to this greatly needed ministry I know HE will supply as before. God's WORD says: "Give, and it shall be given unto you;... shall men give into your bosom." As we are all Stewards of GOD's assets may we be found faithful to give as HE asks. Will you pray for us and this ministry? Will you ask God what HE would ask you to do with HIS assets for this Ministy? If God would use me to help one Church remain open, one Preacher to contuinue to preach the Gospel each year, it is worth it all. Dear Friends GOD says to Occupy till I come and when HE comes shall HE find faith? Preachers, Christians and Churches are under Hell's attack greater today than ever, and I desire to be a helper of their joy. Leisa and I can only serve and follow God by HIS provision. God has chosen you to provide our needs for Him. Thank YOU, for your prayers and support as well as your care and kindness for Leisa and I. For I have faithfully preached the Truth of the Gospel for 42 years. Leisa and I have served God together for 33 years. By GOD's GRACE and with your help we will continue till HE comes.